Nuts and Dried Fruits: Healthy Foods

Although nuts and dried fruits are high-calorie foods, many studies suggest that nuts can be very effective in losing weight.

One study (with many participants) on the effects of the Mediterranean diet found that consuming nuts and seeds reduced participants’ waist circumference by an average of two inches (five centimeters). This is significantly more than people who were given only olive oil.

In controlled studies, it was found that almonds cause weight loss instead of weight gain. Some studies suggest that pistachios, like almonds, are very effective and efficient in losing weight.

A study on overweight women showed that those who included almonds in their daily diet were three times more likely to lose weight and reduce their waist circumference compared to other control groups.

Also, although nuts and dried fruits are high in calories, research shows that your body does not absorb all of them. Because part of the fat in these foods is locked and trapped in the fibrous wall in them (during the digestion process).

For example, a package of almonds refers to the fact that one ounce (28 grams) of them contains 160 to 170 calories per serving; This is while your body absorbs only 129 calories.

Likewise, in recent studies, it has been determined that the body receives 21% and 5% fewer calories from walnuts and pistachios, respectively, than previously reported.

Summary: Nuts have been proven to cause weight loss instead of weight gain. Many studies have shown that the body is not able to absorb all the calories in these foods.