Category: menstruation

What to eat during menstruation?

  If you have a heavy menstrual period, it is better to pay more attention to your nutrition during this period. Eating certain foods can help reduce period symptoms. About 90% of women during their periods usually experience the following symptoms: tiredness backache Mood swings Headache Breast tenderness Flatulence Foods that are recommended to include […]

best nutrition during menstruation

The effect of nutrition on menstruation, the types of nutrition on menstruation and the methods of relieving period pain with nutrition Is the type of nutrition important during menstruation? These are the questions of many women who always ask doctors, and nutrition during menstruation has become one of their most important concerns.   The truth […]

Dos and don’ts of eating during menstruation

  It is impossible to describe what a difficult and special feeling women get during menstruation. Some women go through this period without any symptoms, but others are involved with pain, heartache, headache and severe nausea during this period, which fortunately can be reduced some of these pains with proper diet. salmon Apart from its […]

What not to eat during period

  Menstruation and its symptoms Many women experience unpleasant symptoms when they get their period. Following a certain diet can reduce these symptoms, while certain foods can make things worse. These symptoms include: Abdominal cramps Headache nausea, etc. During menstruation, your body feels an imbalance in hormones, and the reason for this is blood loss, […]

Suitable food for menstruation

  What to eat during menstruation? Since the body goes through many changes during this period, having a proper diet will help a lot in maintaining your vitality. Therefore, in this section, we introduce the best food for period:   Regular foods Turmeric Turmeric is one of the best spices for menstruation. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory […]

Harmful foods for menstruation

Iron is a mineral that has important functions in the body. Iron is essential in making hemoglobin and allows it to carry oxygen. Iron is an essential nutrient. This means you have to get it from food. The amount of iron needed by the adult body is 18 mg per day. The amount of iron […]

Great Foods for Menstruation

Nutrition during menstruation has become one of their concerns. Now the main question is what to eat during period? Some women will go through the period without any symptoms or pain, but others will experience symptoms such as severe nausea and heartache, as well as pain in the muscles and other parts of the body. […]

Don’t Forget to Consume Foods That Contain Calcium in Your Period

In general, one of the minerals needed by the human body is calcium, which will prevent the occurrence of many diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, calcium is suitable for the treatment of menstrual pains and will reduce muscle cramps. Consuming foods such as low-fat yogurt, vegetables, legumes, and fruits can be an excellent source […]

Effective foods in relieving menstrual pain

  Vitamin B1 and Omega 3 Researchers studied the effects of vitamin B1 and fish oil on dysmenorrhea symptoms in high school students. These students were divided into 4 different groups. One group took 100 mg of vitamin B1 per day. The next group consumed 500 mg of fish oil per day. One group took […]